
Keto for Kids: How to get your child on a medical ketogenic diet happy at the table thanks to recognition, comfort and reality.

How to get your child on a keto diet to join the table with a smile.
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Welcome (back) to Keto-Cool! In this blog post, we are going to talk about a topic that is of great importance to many parents of children with epilepsy: How to get your child on a keto diet to join the table with a smile. This diet, which is rich in fats and low in carbohydrates and proteins, has proven to be an effective treatment option to reduce seizures. But how do you get your little one to continue following this diet and even enjoy it? Read on for tips and tricks to get your child happy at the table!

How to get your child on a keto diet to join the table with a smile:


Let your child know in their own language that you understand that following the diet can be difficult due to food choice restrictions. Emphasise that you’re proud of your child’s efforts to stay healthy and manage epileptic seizures. Also, acknowledge that it’s not always fun, and let them know that you understand if your child feels angry or sad. Showing that you see and empathise with your child’s feelings is important.


Offer emotional support and comfort to your child when they struggle with the diet. Listen to their concerns and give them space to express their feelings. Encourage your child to openly talk about any frustrations or difficulties they may be facing. Sometimes, a big hug can go a long way. In short, provide comfort and support to your child.


Take the time to explain to your child why the medically ketogenic diet is important for their health and why they really need to follow it. The reality, namely that there is no choice and your child must follow the diet for their health, only needs to be told once. A child will understand. However, you can offer recognition and comfort as many times as necessary.


Discuss the benefits of the ketogenic diet in managing epileptic seizures. Explaining this in a understandable way can help your child understand the importance of the diet. Teach your child about the foods that are and aren’t allowed on the ketogenic diet. Explain how different foods affect the body and why certain foods are important for maintaining ketosis.

Make it Fun

One of the keys to success in following the ketogenic diet is to make it fun for your child. Involve them in choosing and preparing meals. Let your child try out new recipes and discover new favorites together. With a little creativity, you can turn the diet into an adventure!

Positive Reinforcement

Regularly give your child positive feedback for their efforts to follow the diet. Compliment good behavior and encourage positive choices. This will motivate your child and make them feel that their efforts are appreciated.

Involvement of the Whole Family

Involve the whole family in the ketogenic diet so that your child feels supported and doesn’t feel like they’re alone in their diet efforts. Create a family environment that encourages and supports healthy eating habits.

Collaboration with Healthcare Providers

Always continue to collaborate with the treating physician and a dietitian specializing in the ketogenic diet to ensure that the child gets all the necessary nutrients and follows the diet safely and effectively.

In Conclusion

With the right approach, the medically ketogenic diet can be a positive and effective treatment for children with epilepsy. By applying recognition, comfort, reality, and positive reinforcement, you can find ways for how to get your child on a keto diet to join the table with a smile.

How to get your child on a keto diet to join the table with a smile.

Thank you for reading this blog post on Keto-Cool! Please feel free to have a look at our other tips. Do you have any questions or would you like to share your own experiences? Let us know in the comments below.

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